Crispy Shallow Fried Potato

Instant, crispy, peppery!

Boiled potatoes – 1/2 cup
Black dried pepper corns – 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Oil – 2 tbsp

Crushed red chilies can be used instead of black pepper corns. You could also use a paste of onion and red chilly powder instead of the crushed peppercorns.

Preparation Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 5min.

Cut boiled potatoes into 1 inch cubes. Crush the black peppercorns and sprinkle on the potatoes along with salt. Heat a pan and pour the oil. When the oil turns hot, add the potato cubes. Cook in medium heat, stirring occasionally, until sides of potato are crisp. Crispy, shallow fried potatoes are ready. Serve hot with rotis or rice.

List of accompaniments:
Rotis, rice.

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